Rakali (Australian water-rat) Webinar. The webinar will outline biology and key conservation.
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The platypus is widely recognised as a uniquely Australian animal. By comparison, relatively few people know that the Australian water-rat (also known as rakali) is a genuine native rodent that was a natural part of our environment long before its pest cousins - the black rat and brown rat - arrived with the early colonists. The water-rat is an extremely attractive mammal. Its thick coat of soft fur, splendid whiskers, blunt muzzle, partly webbed hind feet, and furry tail, all help create a resemblance to a miniature otter.
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club has arranged for Geoff Williams from the Australian Platypus Conservancy to share his knowledge of this fascinating animal in an online information session on Thursday 9 February at 7.00pm. Geoff has been studying platypus and rakali since 1994. Before helping to establish the Conservancy, Geoff was Director of Healesville Sanctuary and Assistant Director of Taronga Zoo.
The talk will outline the biology and key conservation requirements of rakali and include tips on how to go about spotting this fascinating species in local waterways.
“Once people learn about rakali they usually become great fans of these animals which can be just as cute, confiding and resourceful as otters,” notes Geoff. “We hope that members of the local community will start to look for them and report all reliable sightings – both from the past and present. All reports are eventually entered in the Atlas of Living Australia to help planning of future conservation action by management agencies and environmental groups to help water-rats in the wild.”
Here is the Zoom link for the rakali webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89221312006?pwd=SHlrc2U3ak1aVTMrQ3NNcklBQzRIUT09
Meeting ID: 892 2131 2006 Passcode: 353080
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For further information about this info note contact:
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists:
Kathy Tenison 0428 396 826
Australian Platypus Conservancy:
Geoff Williams 03 5416 1478/0419 595939
Email: platypus.apc@westnet.com.au