
WWUL would love to accept you as a member at any time. You can join our group by completing the Membership Form, and forwarding it to us together with payment, at the contact details shown below.
All new members to Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare receive a welcome kit consisting of a branded cap, reference book on indigenous flora of the Wagga Wagga area and a collection of other handy reference materials.
For further information contact us.
Membership fees
The annual membership fee for WWUL is $15 for individuals, or $20 for a family.
All funds raised through annual memberships are channelled directly back into the running of the group and cover basic necessities such as insurances and post box rental.
Payment can be made by:
- Cheque (to "Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare") sent to the postal address below, or
- EFT: Beyond Bank Wagga
Account name: Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare
BSB: 325-185
Account number: 3871-0095
Please include your surname as the reference.
Contact details
Treasurer, Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare Group
PO Box 1083
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650