Vote for us in the People's Choice Award!
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10 Oct 2018 (All day)
Voting in the National Landcare Awards People's Choice Award is now open. This year, there are five finalists from our region, all in different categories (so you can vote for all five!):
- David Marsh is in the running for the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
- Murrumbidgee Landcare are in the running for the Australian Government Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices Award
- Ginninderra Catchment Group are in the running for the Fairfax Landcare Community Group Award
- John Ive is in the running for the Australian Government Innovation in Agriculture Land Management Award
- Miranda Gardner is the running for the Austcover Young Landcare Leader Award.
We encourage you to vote for your favourite finalists today!
The National Landcare Awards celebrate the achievements of Landcare volunteers around the country who dedicate their valuable time and energy into caring for the land and water that sustain us.
All finalists are also in the running to win the People’s Choice Award. A highly-coveted prize, this award is presented to the finalist who receives the most votes from the general public in the lead-up to the awards.
Voting is now open and closes on Wednesday 10 October 2018. If you submit your vote by 30 July 2018 you will also be in the running to win one of eight 2-day passes to the Conference and the Awards gala dinner!