Saving our Species - Contestable grants
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27 Jun 2018 - 12:00pm
The Saving our Species (SoS) Contestable Grants program aims to achieve long-term outcomes for threatened species in NSW. Funded by the Office of Environment and Heritage and the NSW Environmental Trust, the program encourages partnerships between government, the community, non-government organisations and industry to protect and conserve our most vulnerable plants and animals.
Aim of the program
The program is focused on supporting projects that will contribute to securing threatened landscape-managed species and threatened ecological communities in the wild. Grant recipients will implement on-ground actions and monitoring actions consistent with threatened species conservation projects developed by the SoS program or, where conservation projects have not been developed, that meet the objectives of the SoS program.
The objectives of then SoS Contestable Grants Program are:
- maximising the number of threatened landscape-managed species and threatened ecological communities secured in the wild in NSW through strategic investment
- forming long-term partnerships for threatened species conservation
- supporting cost-effective investment and responding to effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
The $9 million program will include one round of competitive grants to support a number of 7-year projects. Grants of up to $350,000 each will be available over the first 4.5 years of the 7-year projects.
The grant program has been designed to see the program and the applicant resource the first 4.5 years of the project, with the remaining 2.5 years resourced solely by the applicant. The funding model assumes that for most conservation projects higher costs occur upfront in the first few years, with fewer resources needed when the project transitions to a maintenance phase.
At least 10% of the project value must be quarantined for monitoring.
Two one-hour interactive webinars will be held to provide further information on the SoS Contestable Grants Program. These will be held on Tuesday 10 July at 2pm and Thursday 12 July at 10am. To register your interest please provide your name and contact details, including email, to by Friday 6 July 2018.
Once registered, the webinar service provider will send you directions on how to access the webinar at the nominated date and time.
Note: If you are unable to participate in either of the offered webinars, a recording of the webinar will be available to view on the website within 48 hours of the completion of the second webinar.
Further information
Guidelines and application forms, together with contact information, are available on the website -