
Recent Projects
- Landcare Action - woody weed control and plantings
- Murrumbidgee River wildlife habitat restoration
- Wollundry Lagoon - seed collection
- North Wagga Flats - biodiversity, tree planting and weed control
- Willans Hill – woody weed control
- Gobba Reserve - tree planting and maintenance
- Mobile Muster tree planting
- Injamarra CSU site - tree planting
- Red Hill Road extension - conservation tree planting
- Hollbrook Road - tree planting
- Seed collection and propagation activities
Ongoing Projects
- Seed Collection
- Seedling propagation
- National Tree Day with Wagga Wagga City Council
- Salinity Aware Business Program
- Program - education Wagga Wagga City Council school sustainability project
- TSR Dept. of Lands, Coolamon Road North Wagga revegetation project
- Clean up Australia Day
Project details
Landcare Action Throughout 2009 Landcare Action continued to work to improve the environment. Landcare Action is defined as any action for the environment that is supported by the partnership of the Urban Landcare Group, the City Council, the Tidy Towns Committee and TAFE. The partnership between the City Council and Urban Landcare has proven to be a very productive one. In 2009 Landcare Action has working bees each week to grow and propagate thousands of endemic shrubs and trees local to the area of planting. By doing this Landcare is defining the sustainability for each area for the longer term.
Travelling Stock Route (TSR), North Wagga Regeneration of stock route by replanting many endemic providence species to the area. We are working towards a corridor for birds and wildlife on the fringes of urban Wagga Wagga.