Proceedings of the 14th Annual Forum

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Proceedings of the 14th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum, in collaboration with the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group.

Looking back, moving forward

26th - 27th October 2011

Ladysmith Hall

» Forum Program
» Dinner flyer
» Annual Forum survey form


Ladysmith Hall - 26th October 2011

9.30am Bus leaves Ladysmith Hall

Field Trip, farm walks From Ladysmith Hall by bus to Jim and Helen Dumaresq’s farm at Ladysmith, then on to Andrew Dumaresq’s place, to view work done over the past 25 years in groundwater management and salinity control.

1.30pm Welcome

Peter Lawson, Chair, Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group & Professor Ted Wolfe, Chair, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc

1.45pm Session 1

Groundwater management and salinity control in the Kyeamba valley – a successful case study?

Chair: Hazel McInerney - 3D-Ag Pty Ltd

Jim Dumaresq - local farmer
Syd Clarke - local farmer

Greg Summerell and Tony Bernardi – Office of Environment and Heritage

3.45pm Session 2

Carbon sequestration and management – facts and policies.

Chair: John Friend - DPI Carbon Specialist

Mark Conyers - DPI Research Scientist in plant nutrition and soil management.

Keynote: Terry McCosker - Principal, Resource Consulting Services, pioneer in Carbon Trading.

Gus Sharpe - President Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups, MD Carbon Innovation Pty Ltd.

6.00pm for 7.00pm Dinner

Guest speaker: Professor Stuart Hill

You, Me, Them and the Landscape: Collaborating for the Wellbeing for All

The evening was hosted by Riverina Bluebell and Kyeamba Vally Landcare Group. Welcome by Peter Lawson, Chair, Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group. Guest speaker introduced by Chris Willow, founding member and deputy Chair of Riverina Bluebell.

Ladysmith Hall - 27th October 2011

9.00am Session 3

Preserving and creating biodiversity at the landscape level

Chair: Pat Murray

Tony McLeish - Co-ordinator, Conservation Management Network.

(PDF 1.9 MB)

Jacinta Christie - DPI Project Officer, Cross Property Project

Peter Lawson - farmer, Chair Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group

11.00am Session 4

Progress in natural resource management (NRM)

Chair: Professor Stuart Hill

John Friend - DPI NRM

» What the DPI is doing (PDF 947 KB)

Danny Flanery – farmer, winner Primary Producer, NSW Landcare Awards 2011

» Boorowa Flats (PDF 474 KB)

Graham Hand - CEO Stipa, Holistic Management Educator, farmer

John Francis – Acting CEO of Murrumbidgee CMA

(PDF 2.6 MB)

1.30pm Session 5

Farming and mining, an uneasy future?

Chair: Peter Cregan

Jeff Hoffman - farmer from Lockhart

2.00pm Summing up

What are our take home messages to Landcare networks, partners and Government?

Facilitator: Professor Stuart Hill