Small Environmental Grant Scheme

The Wettenhall Environment Trust's Small Environmental Grant Scheme will provide support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.
The Trust is looking for projects around:
- flora and fauna conservation
- threatened mammal conservation
Projects should involve any of the following:
- monitoring, recording and sharing data
- delivering community education
- providing community capacity building (e.g. training)
- research and science
The Norman Wettenhall Foundation board of Trustees will score applications with a set of criteria in mind. These are the things that they will look for in a project:
- clear aims – what is the overall goal of the project?
- significance – why is the project needed? What makes it important and significant?
- methodology – how will you achieve your aims: what methods will be used?
- partnerships and collaboration – describe your intended partners and their roles
- outcomes – what are the changes, benefits, learning or other effects that happen as a result of your work? How will your outcomes influence the natural living environment in the short and/or long term?
- innovation – describe how you think your project is innovating or interesting
- evaluation – how will you evaluate the success of your project, i.e. how will you know if your project has been successful in achieving its aims?
- budget – is your budget realistic and appropriate?
Further information is available from the following links:
Application Process as a chart – these are the questions that will appear in the online application.
Can you Apply – more details on eligibility. Please don’t waste your time filling in the EOI – see if you are eligible first.
Frequently Asked Questions – your question might get answered here.
Dates for applying – there are four rounds every year.
Apply here – here is the online application form, which only appears live when a grant round is open.