Junior Landcare grants to be funded by Woolworths

Landcare Australia are excited to announce that in the coming year, Woolworths will be donating the money made from the sale of its new green reusable shopping bag, the “Bag for Good™” towards a nationwide Junior Landcare grants program.
“Our Junior Landcare program is all about encouraging young people to play an active role in ensuring the safe future of their environment, said Shane Norrish, Landcare Australia CEO.
“We are delighted to be working with Woolworths. This partnership will enable primary schools across Australia and thousands of children to literally get ‘hands on’ with nature.”

The Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants 2018 program will offer funding to 200 primary schools and early learning centres nationwide of up to $1,000 each for projects to educate students about environmental sustainability and improving their local environment.
This grants program, launching in July, provides schools with opportunities to engage in outdoor, hands-on environmental learning activities that promote the development of positive environmental, educational, health and social outcomes.
The range of projects will include those that focus on sustainable food production, improving waste management practices or enhancing native habitats.
About Junior Landcare
Launched in May 1998, Junior Landcare recognises that the contribution of young people is vital if the land they are to inherit is to be in the best possible condition. Junior Landcare also encourages young people to develop a sense of responsibility to the land and other natural resources. Junior Landcare enables kids of all ages to become involved with their local Landcare group and work on a range of environmental projects. It also provides a great framework for learning in outdoor ‘living classrooms’, and can be successfully integrated into a range of topics within the school curriculum. For more information, visit: landcareaustralia.org.au