2018 NSW Sustaining Landcare Week

Landcare NSW have chosen the period 17 August to 2 September 2018 to organise ‘NSW Sustaining Landcare Week’, supported by the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL).
Our aim is for MPs and Landcare groups to get together across the State to talk about Landcare.
Sustaining Landcare is about securing the services and support Landcare groups need to carry out their valuable projects and activities. We need to raise awareness of the consequences if Landcare does not have access to core infrastructure such as Local Coordinators and central support services.
Landcare NSW has advised the NSW Government and all political parties that the cost of Landcare support over four years is $32.5 million. Landcare NSW is coordinating a statewide event to reach out to MPs and raise awareness of Landcare. While national ‘Landcare Week’ would seem the obvious opportunity, this is held in September when the NSW Parliament is in session making it impossible for MPs to attend events in their electorates. Therefore we have chosen the period 17 August to 2 September for 'NSW Sustaining Landcare Week’, supported by the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare.
Our aim is to encourage Landcare regions to hold an event to showcase your group and activities to your local Member of Parliament and other candidates in your electorate. This will assist groups to form a relationship with their local MP and other key stakeholders, including Local Land Services. If you already have this relationship, inviting them to an event will help to keep it alive. By holding activities statewide over the course of a week or 10 days we aim to increase our impact and raise awareness of Landcare.
This event may be something you already have planned: a tree planting, a field day, a working bee, a guided walk, an education session…the key is to make sure you invite your local MP! Please invite your Federal MP, too, as we also want to build relationships with representatives in Canberra.
The PFL will send a notice to all NSW Members of Parliament encouraging them to accept the invitation to attend a local Landcare event in their electorate and will also encourage them to get in touch with the Local Landcare Coordinator in their region to find out about upcoming events.
The PFL Chair Kevin Anderson, Member for Tamworth, has committed to organising a debate (a Notice of Motion) in the Legislative Assembly of the NSW Parliament the week beginning 17 September which will enable all MPs to speak about Landcare in their electorate and the events they attended.
In order to ensure the likelihood of your MP being able to attend your event, can you please send out an invitation to the MPs’ offices ASAP and at the latest by mid-June. We have included some suggestions below.
- Ring Jodie Lovell (0439 316 151) or Leigh McLaughlin (0412 234 832) at Landcare NSW for ideas, advice and support
- Learn about the State and Federal Parliament and who represents your area. To find the local MP in your area visit the NSW Parliament website. Not sure what electorate you are in? Find out on the website of the NSW electorate office. To find your federal MP visit the Parliament of Australia website
- If you have an existing Landcare activity, meeting or event, just factor in a role for your local MP. It’s easier than organising something from scratch
- Organise a meeting to brief them on your group and your activities
- Create an opportunity where they can get out on site and involved in an activity, so they can experience for themselves what Landcare is all about
- Invite them to launch a new initiative or announce a development
- Organise a launch, an event to promote your program in the local community – take photos and invite the media, share your events in social media
- Invite them to join your group; ask them to assist with introductions to partners or funders
- Encourage them to join the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare
- Promote the importance and value of the LLCI.
What information and resources are available?
- See the Sustaining Landcare page - http://landcarensw.org.au/partnerships/sustaining-landcare/
- See more tips here: http://landcarensw.org.au/wpcontent/uploads/2017/09/Contact_your_local_S...
- Keep up to date: Like us on Facebook, share information. https://www.facebook.com/LandcareNSW/
- Please feel free to contact us any time with queries, comments and suggestions - we are here to help and listen: Leigh McLaughlin lmclaughlin@landcarensw.org.au or 0412 234 832 and Jodie Lovell jlovell@landcarensw.org.au or 0439 316 151.
We would appreciate you letting us know what events are planned for your area during the week so we can create a calendar of events.
Thanks for your support.