© 2015 Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
Rural Scholarships are available to support individuals in NSW who demonstrate a passion for rural and commitment for any career that will ensure the future success of rural and regional NSW.
Scholarships of $5,000 for full-time study or $2,500 for part-time study are available.
There is no limit on the types of courses that qualify or the age of the applicant. You could be studying anything - physiotherapy, engineering, teaching, agricultural science, horticulture, medicine and commerce – and almost everything in between. You could be studying at University, TAFE or VET courses, on campus or by distance learning. However applicants all have one thing in common – a desire to play an active part in the future of rural NSW.
Applicants for a Rural Scholarship must:
Applications close 30th September, 2015
Apply now: http://www.rasnsw.com.au/rural-scholarships-.htm [1]
[1] http://yan.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=26422c1d659b072e100e1efec&id=27c49ce317&e=3931eb76fc
[2] http://wwul.org.au/funding
[3] http://wwul.org.au/taxonomy/term/778